You've gotta love Africa

You've gotta love Africa
Elder Chambers and Elder Kivaya in Oda

Going to Save the World

Going to Save the World
Elder Donovan Chambers

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

21 February 2012

So transfers came once again. Both elder larsen and i are staying in our area. elder larsen is going to be district leader and we're gonna kick trash :)

 This weeks gonna be a big one for nelson, he wants to be baptized next saturday, but if thats gonna happen, a lot of things need to fall together. i really hope it works out! we need to cover a lot in our lesson this week and he needs to have his interview and he needs to come to church! so help me pray that that all works out!

Joe went to the hospital on sunday :/ hes epileptic and ended up having a seizure at work, and then one in the ambulance, and then on more in the ER. we went to see him in the hospital after church. He seemed to be doing alright, he was ready to go home. we gave him a blessing and we'll hopefully see him later this week.

Remember when i told y'all about the withams? and about how angie had taken the kids and moved out? well rumor is she has moved back in. we havnt talked to her yet, but we're crossing our fingers!

Next week we get to go to the temple! we're pretty excited about that. that'll be on wednesday the 29th, so that'll also be the day we email.

Elder Alford (my district leader) and I took rudy to the addiction recovery meeting last week. that probably could have gone better lol. Rudy was not doing very well focusing. he kept telling random stories from his past about seeing ghosts and about how his dad used to play "pro football" for 20 years. (someone asked him where he played, rudy said idaho state lol). the poor people that were running the meeting didnt know what to do because they are used to having a very structured meeting, and rudy is not structured lol. I had to cut him off a few times, just to help the people that were running the meeting lol. we're gonna work with him in the work book a little bit before we take him back to another meeting. The good thing was, someone asked him, "Rudy, do you want to change?" and he said, "yeah, i need to". so thats a big first step! we'll keep workin with him.

I found an interesting verse this week:
"Rejoice evermore."
-1 Thessalonians 5:16

Paul tells the Thessalonians to "follow that which is good" and "rejoice evermore". i thought that was really interesting. it has inspired me to rededicate myself (again) to only focus on positive things, on good things, on things that will bring me closer to God. because I want to rejoice! Rejoicing is good! I want to be able to rejoice everyday. life would be really good if i could do that, but to be in a position to do that, i need focus on the good. so thats what i'm going to do :)

I hope y'all have a wonderful week! be safe. pray. keep being cool :)

elder donovan :)

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